Saturday, December 17, 2011

In a divorce case, if the man refuses to pay maintenance to the child?

In a divorce case, if the man refuses to pay maintenance to the child and purposely change his high salary job to insurance or property job to avoid paying high maintenance to the child, as you know their basic salary is low and they earn from commission.

Will the judge see his pass history and bank statement account or will he escape paying the child maintenance fee or a lower maintenance fee?

He can be very clever by not doing any business during the trial and the income on the CPF statement might show low.|||just pay for you kid and quit complaining!|||idk, sorry|||He would have success this way in spousal support . . . not so much in child support. You can establish the costs/needs of the child and present them to the court and expect consideration - kids are innocent and they need to be 'first', before him and you.|||Judges can court order any type of income, bank statements..etc..for child support issues for payment..when there is a child support court order, and the person doesn't pay, they are in contempt of a court order and can face jail time|||It does not matter it is based on your income tax statement from the previous year.|||The system is aware that men do this. There are procedures to deal with it. If he is too obvious about it, he'll get caught. They do ook at the potential earning capacity of a guy if it looks like he deliberately too a lower paying job.

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