Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can I pay CSA maintenance (child support) into a savings account for my children, rather than to my ex?

My ex is loopy, the last time i was working she would dump the kids on me for the entire weekend while she went out getting drunk. Im concerned that (now that im working again) she will repeat this.

Is it permitted to pay csa maintenance into a savings account for my children?|||I sympathise with you.Yes the money should go to the children.It is to be used for their keep etc.and seeing that they could not do that themselves it has to go to the mother.Some mothers act responsibly and put money into a savings account where others blow the money on booze and fags.My eldest son has a private arrangement like your self and he found out that his ex.stopped working and is now receiving about 拢500 a week in different benefits.She is well on the way to being alcoholic,smokes like a trooper and goes out clubbing 3 or 4 times a week.My son pays her 拢90 a week for the one child who sees nothing out of it at all except food.If you can prove that she is neglecting the kids you can do something about it but otherwise you have to grin and bear it.|||You have to put the money wherever the judge has said to put it. Read your court order. You probably have to give it to your ex since she uses that to support the kids.|||You wont be able to put ALL of it into a savings account....

But I think you are allowed to offset some of it.

You have to ask the CSA.|||Nope, that money is to help your ex support your kids.

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