Sunday, December 4, 2011

Why is my pns account under maintenance ?

is this only happening to me today cause i try to play online but wen i try 2 sign in it says playstation under maintenance or something? does this happen to every 1?|||It's happening to everyone. PSN is under maintanance so you'll have to wait once the maintanance is over.|||Its happening to me too so you aren't alone :)|||Know roughly how long the maintenece will take?|||"All,

Please be aware that the PlayStation Network will undergo scheduled maintenance today from 16:00 GMT.

During the maintenance, you will still be able to sign-in to the PlayStation Network provided that you have signed in recently (eg: within the past month). However, you may experience an unexpected sign out towards 21:00 tonight when we restart our systems. Also: Account Registration, Account Management and the PlayStation Store will be unavailable for the entirity of the maintenance.

Maintenance will take place between: 16:00 鈥?0100 Tuesday 12th Jan 鈥?Wednesday 13th Jan"

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