Sunday, December 4, 2011

My facebook says account unavailable due to site maintenance, but not for anyone else?

Ok, i try to log into facebook and it wont let me because it says it is down due to maintenance but not for anyone else. I have reason to believe it has been hacked or shut down because i can log on on my mobile phone but there is nothing on my wall. Can someone please tell me if this is temporary or if i did in fact get hacked.|||Mine is doing the exact same thing! Ughh %26gt;:( Facebook is a disaster. Haha|||This is also happening to me and I have been able to access via smartmobile. It has happened in the past to others. Do a google search: Most indicate that your account may be closed due to spaming or facebook thinks you are the spammer. You have 2 choices, wait it out but not too long or go to and request a new password.

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